Message from Mr Lasantha Perera

Mr Lasantha Perera
It gives me great pleasure to accept the post of President of the Association of Past Employees of Singer for the year 2023. My main objective is to drive this association to greater heights, keeping in mind our main objectives to foster the cordial and mutual relationship the members had during their careers at Singer and help those who need medical assistance in times of need. I am also most happy to note the increase in membership, during the past year.

I would like to appeal to the present members to contact your friends (X employees) to join the association. You could use the WhatsApp group to give us their information so that our secretary could get in touch with them and enroll them. During the past two years we have not been able to have any events due to the country's situation, however, we will restart many social events such as family outings, sports events, sing-alongs, etc. So let's have fun and meet up with your old friends.

We will also appreciate it if you would let us know whenever our members go through any serious sickness, so that we could be of some help. Take care and stay blessed.